Hello! It's March today. Thought I'd do a bit of a round up of what went on in my life the past month. Also I'm just realizing I didn't do a year in review post (which I have done the previous two years). I guess it felt like the year didn't really end since we are still in lockdown.
February has been busy, and the theme has been HOUSE HUNTING. Ian and I have put in offers on two very different houses and have been exorbitantly outbid on both of them, so we are feeling a bit disheartened. Apparently the market has a record low number of property listings, and a huge surplus of buyers for these few homes. I have to keep reminding myself that we don't need to rush this, and it's okay to wait if it means we get the best possible home for us, but with the possibility of another locked down summer approaching, I more than ever want my own studio and private outdoor space.
In the middle of the month, Seattle got it's unusual-but-becoming-sort-of-annual dump of snow that lasted approximately four days, and Greer loved it. She truly thrives in that environment, which is funny considering she's seen it maybe three times total in her life. We played in the snow and got our fill, but weren't really so sad when it was time for it to melt.

I've been keeping up with quite a bit of sketching, and I did a few live art streams via Instagram this month. I drew some wolves on my ipad, and just a bunch of Greers in my sketchbook. I want to practice more detailed work and more contextual, landscape stuff but feel sort of intimidated and unsure where to start.

In other news, I took on another logo project (my second in four months!) for my friend's new handmade dog collar shop, The Blue Cow. I honestly don't have tons of experience working on logos so am pretty uncomfortable taking them on, but after these two I do feel a lot more confident. I also understand a lot better the scope of the work involved and why they are so expensive to create. Here are some of the logos and assets I made for The Blue Cow!

It's another month gone and honestly I am thankful time is passing quickly. We've had a few sunnier days in Seattle lately and I can smell spring in the air....I can't wait!
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